Here’s a writeup of Allgood Solitaire (for iOS) in comparison with other apps available. Throughly well researched article by a well versed solitaire pro.
Tag Archives: solitaire
Allgood Solitaire v5.5 for Mac OS X released
Allgood Software is proud to announce the latest upgrade to their flagship software, Allgood Solitaire for Mac OS X.
This new release fixes issues with the latest Mac OS software, which had introduce graphics glitches while playing. It also adds new features, such as full screen mode, additional graphics for deck designs, and backgrounds, and more.
Available for free download now with this link:
You can find out more details about the release and full feature list on our Solitaire page here:

Allgood Solitaire for iPad released
Allgood Software is excited to announce the release of the iPad version of their flagship product, “Allgood Solitaire”. Expanded to take advantage of the intuitive touch interface on the iPad, and adding new features, this new version is a significant innovation from the desktop version.
Allgood Solitaire offers over 200 different variations of Solitaire, from the well known Klondike, Pyramid, Canfield and Spider, to the more eclectic Will O Wisp, and Monte Carlo. With this many options, there’ll be something for every lover of Solitaire, from the casual player to the hard core addict. You’ll be able to bookmark your favourite games for an easy way to play them again later.
All games support undo/redo, pile peeking, move hints, as well as a comprehensive rule guide, making it very easy to learn and discover new games. Autoplay is also available for games building up with Foundation piles. There are many different deck and background choices so you can customise your experience.
Available now through the Apple App Store:
Game of the Week: Trefoil+Draw
Trefoil + Draw
Trefoil + Draw is a classic “Fan” style game, challenging and winnable a lot of the time.
Trefoil + Draw is my favourite of all the Fan style games, and one of my top choices when I feel like a few quick games of solitaire, without having to worry about complex strategies using Cells, etc… This game is a slight variant on ‘Trefoil’, adding an opportunity to free up a blocked card one single time – I find this small concession very satisfying when you’ve played a good game and just been a little unlucky in the lay of the cards in the last deal.
The rules are very simple – build the Foundations up in suit, and you can build the Tableau piles down in suit. Only one card at a time may be moved, and you can’t re-use spaces. The result of this, is that in for any deal you often get one or more cards that are immediately blocked. For example, any cards under a King, which can only be moved directly to Foundations. It also means that a card can only be moved once during a deal, as it only has one possible target it can be played on.
This game gives you several options to escape when the game is completely blocked…
You’re allowed 2 re-deals during the game, where any cards not on a Foundation pile are gathered, shuffled and re-dealt to the Tableau.
As a last result, you have a single chance to pull any card out and put it on top of its pile – this can be extremely useful when the board is well set up, but one card is blocked. The best strategy tends to be to use the re-deals first, and save your Draw for the very last deal, when you’re totally stuck, and have no other options.
During each deal, after clearing cards that may be played immediately to Foundations, the next thing you should consider is what plays are “low hanging fruit”. Check the location of all the Kings, since there’s nothing you can do to move them, and immediately build on any that are at the top of their piles, since we know they can’t be moved by themselves except to Foundations, and the cards built on them are not going to prevent that. Next, check to see if there are any piles that contain only a single card – and build on them as much as you can next, since they won’t be blocking any other cards.
Once you’ve built all you can ‘for free’, you’ll need to examine the board and see which cards have a chance to be freed, and which ones will never be freed (i.e. under Kings or other blocked cards), build so that you can free up cards that might have a chance to go to Foundations, and ignore anything that will be stuck for this deal. You’ll often find that one move will block another move, so there’ll be tradeoffs to be made about which cards will be freed, and which can be blocked until the next deal.
When you are finally stuck, and ready to execute the “Draw”, it’s worth considering lateral moves. Often the instinct is to free a card that can move straight to the Foundations, and this is often the right move, but occasionally there are other ways to use this. Take this example below for example. If we want free up all the cards we can in the Clubs suit, it’s tempting to pull the 5Clubs to the top of the pile, and play from there. This will enable us to play the 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of clubs. However, if instead of Drawing the 5Clubs, we Draw the 10Clubs, that will enable us to move the 9Clubs onto it, and free the 5Clubs that way, and we’ll be able to play the 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , and 10 of Clubs, giving an advantage.
It’s often useful to use the 4-colour deck, as you can very quickly see the distribution of your suits across the Tableau
Using the Four Colour deck with Trefoil + Draw
“Trefoil + Draw” is available now on Allgood Solitaire for OS X , and also in Allgood Solitaire for iPad.
Game of the Week: Gaps
Gaps is one of those classic games, that is very simple to learn and understand, and offers a large opportunity for skilful play. It offers an interesting change from the usual formula of building up foundation piles, but instead all cards are always visible, and you try to rearrange them in order.
The layout is arranged in 4 rows, with 13 spaces in each row. The object of the game is to arrange all cards in order from left to right, counting up from 2 to King, with all cards in the same row in the same suit. (Aces are not used in this game, they are simply discarded and never show up)
There are simple rules for re-arranging cards. You may only move a single card to gaps (never onto other cards). Any gap can only be filled with a specific card matching suit to the card on the left of the gap, and one value higher. So you can place the Jack of Diamonds in a gap to the right of the 10 of Diamonds, like this.
Here’s a game in progress, you can see how the cards are arranged from left to right.
For the spaces on the far left, you may place any 2, and no cards may be placed to the right of a King. Once all the gaps end up next to Kings, the game is blocked, and there are 2 redeals available. When redealing, all the cards currently in order are left in place, and the remainder are shuffled and laid back out, leaving gaps to the right of each correct line.
When moving cards, try to see which cards will be freed by any new move, and favour moves that free up other cards – you’ll find that runs develop within the layout. I find the “Jumbo – Four Colors” deck to be very useful with this game:
See related games: Free Parking, Double Gaps
Available in all versions of Allgood Solitaire
Game of the Week: Eight Off
Eight Off
Eight off is very similar to the popular game Free Cell, characterised by the special “Cell” piles which can hold any single arbitrary card from any pile. Just like the classic foundation building games, the game is won by moving all cards to the foundations, which are built up in suit, from Ace to King. You’ll need to free up cards in the Tableau to play to the Foundation piles, by moving them to other Tableau piles, when allowed by the building rules, or moving them in and out of the Cells, which can be used to hold any single card.
I’ve found it very tempting to try to free all the Aces right away, by moving cards on top of them to the Cells, but it usually hurts me, as it blocks a lot of Cells right away, and blocks opportunities to build and move large sequences of cards within the Tableau. What I find works better is to only free Aces that are buried by a single card if possible, and then look at which piles will cause trouble later, because they have a higher card of a suit, above a lower card of the same suit in a pile. The larger the sequence built on that higher card, the harder it is to free the lower card later, and it’s impossible to move them to the foundation while that lower card is blocked. I try to free those lower cards as much as possible, and guarantee that I won’t get blocked later in the game. After that, I concentrate more on building sequences in the Tableau, than moving cards to foundations – as the sequences are revealed, you’ll generally find that cards go to the Aces by themselves.
I always use the 4 colour deck with this game – it’s set up a per-game deck preference so it’s automatically switched in when the game is chosen. The 4 colour deck makes it very easy to see where my suit sequences are, and I can easily find cards I need to build that are buried in other piles.
Related Games: Free Cell, Seahaven Towers
Available now in all versions of Allgood Solitaire
Game of the Week: Corners
Corners always has a special place in my heart, as it’s one of the first Solitaire games I ever learned, with a lovely symmetric layout, mixing foundations and tableau piles in the same grid.
Foundation piles sit in the corners of the grid, and build up in suit until all cards of that suit are in the pile. At the start of the game, a random card is dealt to the first foundation, which becomes the starting value for all the other foundation piles. After a king is played on a pile, you may play an Ace on it, to wrap around.
The Tableau piles in the center, may be built down, ignoring suit, and only one card may be moved at a time. When spaces form, you may play any card to them, which can be really useful as a staging area for combing two smaller piles into a larger one, when you are able. The more gaps you’re able to create and keep, the more chances there are to restructure piles in the Tableau.
During play, the top card of the stock is always available, it may be played into the grid of Tableau and Foundation, or simply moved to the discard pile – the top card of the discard pile is always available for play.
There are no redeals in this game, so once a card is placed to the discard and covered with other cards, you can’t get at it, without playing the cards on top of it. As a result, you often don’t want to fill gaps in the Tableau quickly, it’s useful to have them available in case cards come up in the stock that you will need soon on a Foundation pile, and will probably block that foundation if they’re buried in the Discard pile.
Related Games: Czarina, Windmilll
Available now in all versions of Allgood Solitaire
Game of the Week: Four Winds
Four Winds
This unusual game has become one of my new favourites games when I have 5 minutes free, and just want to play something quick that is a nice distraction, and I don’t have to get too involved in figuring out a deep strategy, like Free Cell, or Forty Thieves.
It’s nicely familiar in some ways, where the goal is to move all the cards to foundation piles, which build up in suit from Ace to King, but has the Tableau is developed through unique suit-based mechanics.
The layout is arranged like a compass rose, with foundations in the North, East, South and West directions, with each foundation owning four Tableau piles arranged near them. You can’t build cards onto other cards on Tableau piles, you may only move cards to empty Tableau piles, and only if the card matches the suit of the nearest foundation. Since there’s only space for four cards in the Tableau for any particular suit, when thinking about placing cards there, you’ll need to think ahead about what other cards you may want to use those spaces for.
The initial deal distributes the cards randomly, without regard to suit. As spaces develop by building up foundations, I’ve found that since you don’t need to move cards to their own suit areas, it’s often advantageous to wait, and do this only if you need to make a space in the area the card currently resides in. I don’t move cards from Tableau piles to other Tableau piles, unless I want to move a card from the Discard pile into the Tableau, and I need to make a gap for them.
Since there’s two runs through the deck, it’s often useful strategy to use the first run to allow the lower value cards to play to foundations, and use their spaces to move mid-valued cards into the Tableau, preparing for the second run through the stock, freeing up those cards, leaving the face cards, and other high valued cards in the stock until the very end, as they will generally block gaps in the Tableau that you’ll need for smaller cards.
For advanced players, try one of the 4 colour deck options with this game, it makes it very easy visually to distinguish which cards belong where.
Related Games: Osmosis
Available on Solitaire for iPad.